Ruslan Shanov “Silence in unison” - new

PremieresRuslan Shanov "Silence in unison" - new

Concert videos

“We are no longer together, but the feelings are not forgotten...” - sung in the new author’s composition Ruslana Shanova "Silence in unison"

Ruslan Shanov
Ruslan Shanov

“This song is about the fact that when words have been exhausted, and the scales have long fallen from our eyes, there is only one thing left to do - say goodbye. But it’s very difficult to do this while love is still alive... I hope this dynamic track will definitely end up in the playlists of my listeners! And I wish everyone a warm summer and mutual, long-lasting love,” says the performer.

The single was released at the same time as the video. Watch and listen with pleasure!

Listen and download Ruslan Shanov's song "Silence in unison"


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