Rustam Nakhushev filmed a video clip for the song "And you're on a date"

ArtistsRustam Nakhushev filmed a video clip for the song "And you're on a date"

Concert videos

Complex love story in the big city revealed Rustam Nakhushev in his new video clip for the song "And you on a date"

A complex love story in a big city was shown by Rustam Nakhushev in his new video clip for the song “And you are on a date”

The wanderings of two hearts, seemingly destined for each other by fate, never end, life carries them past each other - and one can only hope for happiness, re-reading the lines of messages on the phone ...

Tatyana Dubrovskaya played the main role in Rustam Nakhushev's video clip for the song "And you're on a date"
Tatyana Dubrovskaya played the main role in Rustam Nakhushev's video clip for the song "And you're on a date"

The video clip was filmed in Stavropol, in one of the city parks in September 2022. Video production - OCTAVA PRODUCTION, director and operator - Timur Chekhov. The main role was played by Tatyana Dubrovskaya, a model and famous blogger from Stavropol.

Listen and download Rustam Nakhushev's song "And you on a date"


Lyrics of Rustam Nakhushev's song "And you on a date"

And you did not come on a date as promised
I'm waiting to worry, I'm waiting for you to miss
And the heart hurts and yearns where are you
You break all my plans and dreams
My heart hurts and my soul yearns so much, where are you
You break all my plans and dreams

Morning comes, the sun brings us the dawn
On the same morning we met in reality
And you sang songs and happiness flowed from your eyes
And with you the guitar sang in my hands
And you sang songs and happiness flowed from your eyes
And with you the guitar sang in my hands

I wandered for a long time, but I believed and knew that you were waiting
And let your mother drive me away from the threshold
And let them say that we will not be happy on the way
I believe, I know that happiness will come, you just wait
And let them say that we will not be happy on the way
I believe, I know - happiness will come, just wait

Your kisses are tender and beautiful like yourself,
When you kiss, it seems to me that I'm going crazy
And tears all pour from your clear and sad eyes
Tomorrow my train leaves for the North, goodbye Caucasus
And tears all pour from your clear and sad eyes
Tomorrow my train leaves for the North, goodbye Caucasus
Tomorrow my train leaves for the North, goodbye Caucasus

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