Happy Culture Day!

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“Culture is the desire for euphony and light, and the main thing is for both euphony and light to prevail...”
Matthew Arnold

April 15 is the Day of Culture in many countries

This day was established in order to recall the importance of all areas of the cultural world - an integral part of our life, which allows us to build a worthy society.

In the Caucasus, national culture is given special attention. The culture of behavior, communication, attitude to oneself and to the Homeland is brought up in us from infancy. And, of course, many talented people lived and live here, who have successfully proved themselves in various fields of art.

Traditionally, various events take place in Russian cities on this day: concerts, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, lectures, creative evenings, theater performances and more. This year there will be no mass holidays in connection with the regime of self-isolation, but this does not mean that you need to deny yourself the pleasure of plunging into the cultural world and devoting the day to the beautiful. And for our part, we would like to remind you of the works of talented artists who support the musical culture of the Caucasus.

The “Popular Caucasian Songs” playlist, prepared by the publisher’s editorial, contains hits from past years and high-profile musical novelties. We wish you a good mood and a pleasant listening! Happy Culture Day, friends!

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