Sergey Leshchev: “the concert tour is gaining momentum!”

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Yesterday in the city of Yessentuki a concert of a famous singer was successfully held Sergey Leshchev.

Within its concert tour, he presented the audience a new musical program called “Always with you”.

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“The public received me very warmly! - the artist comments, - on this cold winter evening in the concert hall of the Metallurg sanatorium it was really hot! I presented two new compositions “Positive” and “New Life”, and we performed the song “Native” together with the audience! It was a pleasure. In general, the show took place, and the concert tour is gaining momentum!”

Now Sergey is actively preparing for the next concert, and we offer you to watch videos from the past and get acquainted with the team of the artist, which helps him to make the show program bright and memorable ...

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