“Sineglazka” - premiere of the single of the group “Sultan Hurricane”

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Bright summer novelty from the group "Sultan Hurricane" — the composition “Sineglazka” appeared on digital storefronts today.

Song written Sultan Hajiroko about a girl in whose eyes “heaven is burning”, about a year she was waiting for her appearance. Why? Says the performer:

Sultan Hazhiroko
Sultan Hazhiroko

“We have been looking for a suitable arrangement for her for a long time. We picked up instruments, thought out a melody so that everything sounded fresh and tasty. Finally, it was possible, and we are pleased to share with the audience a new single.
May the eyes of our beautiful ladies, reflecting the heavens, shine with happiness this summer!
Now we have several more danceable, positive tracks in the works, so we hope to please our audience again soon,” says Sultan.

A video for the song “Sineglazka” is in development, but for now we invite you to listen and rate the song, which is already available on digital platforms and on our website.

Listen and download the song of the group Sultan Hurricane "Sineglazka"


Lyrics of the group Sultan Hurricane "Sineglazka"

I am looking at you with caution
Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Graceful and beautiful
Sineglazka - blue-eyed

Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Sineglazka - blue-eyed

burn in her eyes
She is a flower
in the babylonian gardens

I'm like Sahara
tormented Shehili
Burning without fire
These eyes are yours

I am looking at you with caution
Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Graceful and beautiful
Sineglazka - blue-eyed

Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Sineglazka - blue-eyed

Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue eye
Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue eye
Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue eye
Blue, blue, blue, blue

I am looking at you with caution
Blue, blue, blue, blue eye
Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Blue, blue, blue, blue eye

Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Blue, blue, blue, blue eye
Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Blue, blue, blue, blue eye

Blue eyed drove me crazy, blue eyed
Blue-eyed my peace took, Blue-eyed

I am looking at you with caution
Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Graceful and beautiful
Sineglazka - blue-eyed

Sineglazka - blue-eyed
Sineglazka - blue-eyed

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