Sultan Hajiroko's single "Tskhinval" is available in music stores!

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Sultan Hazhiroko presented an updated version of the composition "Tskhinval", which can now be heard on digital music venues.

Sultan Hazhiroko
Sultan Hazhiroko

“It’s 2020—the time of streaming, the time of digital channels, and the song “Tskhinvali,” although it was written quite a long time ago, was not presented on these showcases. Nowadays people don't look for tracks, they need to have them at hand, and for this purpose we decided to release a composition that has sunk into the hearts of many people, making it available in stores.
Dear friends, listen to music, enjoy life, get the most out of it!” - says the performer.

You can already listen to the song of Sultan Hajiroko “Tskhinval” on our website.

Listen and download the song of Sultan Hajiroko “Tskhinval”


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