Sultan Laguchev “Baapl bara” - new from “Kavkaz Music”!

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A song by Sultan Laguchev has been released in the Abaza language - “Baapl bara”

Sultan Laguchev's new track released and presented @sultan_laguch in the Abaza language - “Baaapl bara” (“You are somewhere”), written by the author and composer Bilal Oguzov.

Sultan Laguchev
Sultan Laguchev

“In this composition, the pursuit of his fate is sung. This is the story that the main character is in constant search, but knows that his betrothed is also relentlessly striving for him.
This topic is close to me, because I myself am also looking for my destiny. I think that among my listeners there will be those who recognize themselves in the track,” the artist shared.

Listen and download the Sultan Laguchev song “Baapl Bara”


Lyrics of Sultan Laguchev’s song “Baapl Bara”

Bygsymbast auasa yyzdyritl sara
Bshyu haglata hagata psdzadzata bar
Ba'apl svy zadzadzhvykgygy szhazhyuzhushymi sara
Ba'apl sgvy yglasnahlvitl mchyta ykshua

Ba'apl bar Ba'ap bar Ba'apl bar
Baapl bar, Baapl zdzhara
Baapl Bar Baapl Bar
Awasa Yyszyrglva,
Uzhvglandzara bglasmaua sara

Amshkva ytsid amyzkva yyrhydzit auat
Amyzkva ytsid adzin uzhyvy sanyad
Bhwa acvpit iyzdyritl sara sakakvaua
Sgvgyi akvpitl yyzdyritl bshyu zdzhara

Amgwala scid srylapshaua ysiglvsua augla
Shaa saztslglid bynsmaura baskasvytsma bar
Sylakva nkhglu brytslymtslua brytslab sharda
Auasa bgstahu idyrta bglaishazab Anchva

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