Vika Tsyganova revealed as the heroine of the new Russia

VideoVika Tsyganova revealed as the heroine of the new Russia

Concert videos

Vika Tsyganova presented a video clip "Wagner" on her YouTube channel

On October 12, 2022, the famous Russian singer Vika Tsyganova presented a video clip for the song "Wagner" on her YouTube channel, dedicating it to the defenders of our Fatherland. The words to the song were written by Vadim Tsyganov, Vadim Tsyganov, Alexander Cherevkov, Karl William Pamp Jenkins, Wagner worked together on the musical series and arrangement.

A voice that has powerful energy. This energy penetrates every heart. Together with these songs we become more powerful, there is a unity of our souls, and together we are a huge force!!! In addition to the video clip, Vika also shared the track with her VK subscribers.

The singer spoke about her civic position in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. The main thoughts that Vika shares with the audience of the publication are given below.

Vika Tsyganova
Vika Tsyganova

I just performed in Donetsk, I was on the front line. People there are very tired, living like this for eight years in a row is very difficult and very difficult. In the same Donetsk, I saw wounded children from Mariupol - my heart was breaking. And Vadim and I (the singer’s husband and producer Vadim Tsyganov - Ed.) are trying to help as much as we can, we work a lot in hospitals. I sing myself, I bring the equipment myself, I negotiate with the authorities myself. I don't take money, this is charity. And then it all makes sense. And ordinary idle concerts are not interesting to me.

For me, material things are only a means. What I earn now I spend on helping the wounded. I buy equipment for fighters, banners with the face of Christ - because they are asked for. Vadik buys more serious things: sights, quadcopters, thermal imagers, combat boots... We spend our personal savings. We sold the house and most of the money - about 6 million - has already been spent on Donbass. This was the second house we rented. In any case, it had to be sold - so why not help people with these funds? After all, the simplest and most disadvantaged love me. They fight, heal, teach, silently endure and endure all hardships. And how can I stay away?

All these pop artists of ours who have left are absolutely empty people. They did not love either their homeland or their people. To be honest, they were just making money here: they pay, we’ll sing. I think so. Pugacheva hasn’t worked lately, she only gave corporate parties for crazy money. It's a shame they deceived the public. Because after all, this is deception, deceit, hypocrisy. Well, then, if you remember the work of Alla Borisovna, did she once glorify her Motherland? She sang about herself, about her novels, that's all.

Much in our show business is unacceptable to me. Once, when I spoke sharply about gay people, about gay pride parades, gay clubs, I felt strongly about Alla Borisovna. She said, “I am the mother of gays!” This became a black mark for me. After that, my way was closed everywhere.

We don’t need any of these Eurovision songs where men kiss. These are not our values ​​and there is no need to drag them here - this is someone else’s Sodom and Gomorrah. Having appeared somewhere in one place, these Western ideas begin to penetrate everywhere. Take the theater, for example. For example, Serebrennikov - what was that? Or Bogomolov, Sobchak - who are these people who eat, fatten and shit here? This is pure sacrilege and mockery. I see the content of these theatrical productions, I feel their spirit - and it disgusts me.

We need to pay special attention to the upbringing of our children. To return the study of military affairs to schools, to form an ideology, to defend our Orthodox values. I would like to see something deep, real, correctly presented on federal channels. With a beautiful hall, light, good direction. And not in a bad way. On TV it is necessary to show not about the glamor of the program, but films about saints, about new heroes, about ordinary people. Find interesting stories, be creative. Film beautifully as people sow bread!
I myself have long dreamed of making a film about Voyno-Yasenetsky, Vladyka Luka

I don’t see myself without Russia, without business, without people. This is food for my soul, otherwise I will dry out and wither. Living for money, sausage or palm trees is not my thing at all. I really like to travel, but not for more than 10 days. I am not a cosmopolitan, I am not a man of the world - I cannot live without Russia.

Yes, I have never been a Kremlin singer and have not sat at the feeder of the federal channels, where Galkin, Pugacheva and many others sat. I have other values, Orthodox. And this is not about the fact that you have to walk in a scarf and a long skirt. No. This is a conversation about conscience and about the soul.

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