Songs Vlad Kornilov @vladkornilov_official - these are not just poems that accidentally came to the author’s head and were put on a beautiful melody. In each of his compositions, he puts personal experiences, conclusions and truths that he would like to convey to the audience. And a novelty called “Amulet” is no exception.
According to the artist, he has been studying the topic of amulets for a long time and with interest, and their impact on the human mind and life. These searches in 2012 resulted in a song that was waiting in the wings. We asked the musician to tell more about the premiere and share what is a talisman in his life.

“I have been fond of different legends all my conscious life, collecting rosaries, talismans of the peoples of the world professing different religions. Something pulls me towards this. Wisdom was also of no small importance, which I learned in childhood from the legend of King Solomon, who received as a gift from the sage a ring with the inscriptions “Everything passes” and “It will pass.” Ultimately, all this influenced the creation of the composition “Amulet”.
Speaking about what is an amulet for me, it is worth emphasizing that I was disappointed so many times, took off my pectoral cross, then put it back on ... This winter, a terrible tragedy happened in my family. The pain of the loss of a loved one cannot drown anything, but only faith can help to cope with this pain. So for me she is the amulet. I began to look at the world differently, put on the cross again, and now I am overwhelmed with an insane desire to make the world a little kinder. And this can only be done by ourselves.
People come up with amulets, amulets for themselves, “from the evil eye, from envy, pain, for joy, love, for wealth...” - as my song says, but this only covers up their powerlessness, stupidity and unwillingness to change anything in their lives. It’s as if, having picked up the right amulet, you can relax and wait for it to solve your problems. People have believed this for thousands of years! But, even if you completely hang yourself with amulets, “charging” yourself for anything, it will not help until you take everything into your own hands!
There is no need to be afraid to live. Whatever happens to us, it is either for happiness or for life lessons. And the next thing – “too shall pass.” Believe in yourself and those around you. Even receiving punches, kicks, stabs in the back, whatever. Believe! And the Lord will thank you and save you. Having reached my age, I have gone through so much... So many times I could have left this wonderful world, but God and my parents’ prayer kept me safe. This is probably why I still live on this earth...”, shared Vlad Kornilov.
We invite you to get acquainted with the novelty - the song "Amulet" is already available on all digital services and on our website.
Lyrics by Vlad Kornilov “Amulet”
From the day of creation
People came up with signs
And so that misfortunes departed
There are amulets for everything
From the evil eye, from envy, pain
To the joy of love, to wealth
To a life without disease and ailment
Sneezing on swagger
Everyone has his own amulet
One or another amulet
And people believe 1000 years
Each in its own amulet
Everyone has his own amulet
One or another amulet
And people believe 1000 years
Each in its own amulet
No one is responsible for anything
Who will throw cards who dice
There is less good in the world
More deceit and anger
In esteem mediocrity and stupidity
Trembling as the sun rises
Solomon's rings wisdom
It will pass and it will pass
Everyone has his own amulet
One or another amulet
And people believe 1000 years
Each in its own amulet
Everyone has his own amulet
One or another amulet
And people believe 1000 years
Each in his own
Each in his own
Each in its own amulet