“Thief” - a new track by Murat Thagalegov has been released

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Meet the new product - a new song by Murat Thagalegov - “Thief” - has appeared on digital storefronts

“The moral of this story will be this: if you give someone your word, then always keep it...” is sung in a new composition written by the author of words and music, Alibek Gegiev.
You can already listen to the single on digital platforms and on our website.

Listen and download the song of Murat Tkhagalegov "Thief"


Lyrics of Murat Tkhagalegov's song "Thief"

Was there such a thief to tell you an agreement
A thief will never break an agreement
Who does not keep his word - there is a hatchet
The thief will not break his agreement

Night fell over a small aul
And the cold wind blew from the high mountains
The lost wanderer stands at home
Asks, seeks shelter, where a lonely old man lives

And the good heart of the old man took pity on him
The walls of my house are yours, with only one agreement
With the first rays of the sun you wake me up
And that you won't steal my faithful horse

Was there such a thief to tell you an agreement
A thief will never break an agreement
Who does not keep his word - there is a hatchet
The thief will not break his agreement

But the light touched the horizon, surrounded the aul
The brave esaul chased in the footsteps of the night visitor
And he could have gone into the night of the saddles of a black horse
But having kept his promise, he ruined himself

The moral of the story will be
If you gave your word to whom, then keep it always
The old man was surprised to learn that the most impudent thief
Despite death, he kept his agreement

Was there such a thief to tell you an agreement
A thief will never break an agreement
Who does not keep his word - there is a hatchet
The thief will not break his agreement

Was there such a thief to tell you an agreement
A thief will never break an agreement
Who does not keep his word - there is a hatchet
The thief will not break his agreement

Was there such a thief to tell you an agreement
A thief will never break an agreement
Who does not keep his word - there is a hatchet
The thief will not break his agreement

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