The new single, Redji Bloom, "From Night to Morning!"

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Redji bloom @redji_bloom introduced today a novelty - a dynamic track called "From night to morning."

Redji bloom
Redji bloom

“Each of my singles is born in a special way. As I already mentioned, many life situations carry a certain meaning for me, inspiring me to new heights. And this song is no exception. I always try to convey the meaning of the track to my listener so that every line, every word touches the soul. My team, my second family, where everyone is talented in their own way, helps me with this. We take a very sensitive and responsible approach to the process, to each song, and we persistently and persistently move towards success,” says the singer.

In the near future, Redji Bloom fans will find many more sincere, interesting compositions that the team is currently working on. In the meantime, we offer you to download today's novelty - the song "From night to morning" is already available on our website!

Listen and download the Redji Bloom song “From Night to Morning”


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