Said Saidguseynov's new single Revelation released

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Artist: Said Saidhuseynov @said_saidguseynov
Song Name: Revelation

Listen and download the song of Said Saidguseynov - “Revelation”


Lyrics of Said Saidguseynov - “Revelation”

It seemed that I was in this mortal world,
He achieved a lot in life.
And speaking frankly,
I considered myself "Great" in my work.
But no, all this is only glory.
I searched for it everywhere and everywhere.
I forgot that there is violence in life,
And she can knock on the door to me.

And I had so many plans
Forgetting everything, I just lived with them.
Once, my road was interrupted.
The Almighty deprived me of sight.
And now, I stand before you,
I don’t see at all what is around me.
It happens that the eyes grieve with tears.
But the heart says Alham dulillah!

There will be relief for the severity
Almighty says so in the Qur'an.
Once showing patience
I know how to awaken faith in my heart.

Allah, I cry tirelessly
To you with prayer in the early hours.
You won't leave us, I know that
Help us in a worthy way!

God sends trials
Wishing, this is good and good.
For the pain you have lived through and all the suffering
We will receive rewards in shaAllah!

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