"The language of the people is undoubtedly our most important and inexhaustible spring ..."

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Today, around the world celebrate Mother's Day

For such a multinational region as the Caucasus, this holiday is multifaceted and bright! Indeed, here, adjacent to each other, many peoples of various nationalities live, whose rich and beautiful language remains an important connecting link of their representatives.

It is not surprising that residents of the Caucasus often know not only their native language, but also the language of their neighbors and friends. But there is another one all over the world that unites us with an invisible thread - this is the language of music...

It happens, you listen to a song, you don’t understand a single word, you cannot translate, but its beauty amazes you so much, it takes over the soul, that tears come out in the eyes ...

And how often we start dancing, being charged with the energy of the composition in a language we are not familiar with, simply because it gives us positive and fun!

Today, in honor of this momentous day, the music publishing house “Zvuk-M” prepared you a gift - a colorful playlist with songs from representatives of various nations. Here are collected songs in many languages: Adyghe, Abkhaz, Chechen, Balkar, Dargin, Turkish, Ossetian, Nogai, Karachai and others.

The songs of these sing about the most different, but always about the main thing: about love, homeland, duty.

We wish you a pleasant listening and congratulations on your International Mother Tongue Day!

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