Bright humorous show waiting for fans Arthur and Fatima Kidakoevs 11 April!
The program called “For us two 110 years” promises to be sparkling and, of course, festive. After all, this is the anniversary concert of popular artists.
Arthur and Fatima for over 20 years give their viewers laughter and joy, showing funny scenes, covering a variety of topics. As Arthur told in his interview, “all the numbers are invented from situations that happen in life: they saw some interesting situation, told a ridiculous case ... It is enough to hear one short sentence, and a full-fledged number can be born from it!”
The Kidakoev concert will be held on April 11 in Cherkessk, tickets can be ordered by phone: + 7 (928) 655-55-46.
In the meantime, we offer you to watch the performance of artists several colorful numbers that are included in the playlist "Humor of the Caucasus" on Our partner’s YouTube channel - “Caucasus Hit”.