Zaur Tkhgalegov. "March 8"

Zaur Tkhgalegov. "March 8"

Zaur Tkhgalegov

"March, 8rd"

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How I loved you, I know all the guys
How they walked with you in yellow September
And then it all went away
The walks in Moscow at night are over

So autumn passed, and frosts came
And with another once I met you
What made the guys cry
From what in the heart of sadness, melancholy, sadness

I changed my guitar strings three times
Because I sang a lot of sad songs
So time flew by in a drunken stupor
And I managed to change a lot of friends

But one night suddenly the bell rang
I pick up the phone I hear your voice
You told me that you did not stop loving
And that you really want to meet me

I stood and listened to you cry into the phone
But he didn't say a word in response.
On March 8 they give gifts to everyone
And I wrote this song for you