Zumrud Musieva “Shepherd” - video premiere

PremieresZumrud Musieva "Shepherd" - video premiere

Concert videos

“I want to tell you about a story. About the Darginka from Akush, about her beautiful...” - this is how Zumrud Musieva’s song “Shepherd” begins, about how a guy who was unable to confess his love for a girl in time almost lost his happiness...

This plot formed the basis of a beautiful video of the same name, which the singer presented today.

The video was filmed in the mountainous village of Balkhar, in Dagestan, and tells in a humorous way how a nimble, handsome city man who dared to speak to the shepherd's lover inspired him to confess and helped win the heart of the dargin girl, whom she plays herself. Zumrud.

Video clip of Zumrud Musieva - "Shepherd"
Video clip by Zumrud Musieva - “Shepherd”

Video clip of Zumrud Musieva - "Shepherd"
Video clip by Zumrud Musieva - “Shepherd”

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