Farzani and Abdulkarim presented a duet song called "Queen"

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“Queen” song by Farzani and Abdulkarim released

Artist: Farzani, Abdulkarim
Song title: “Queen”

Listen and download Farzani and Abdulkarim's song “Queen”


Lyrics of Farzani and Abdulkarim “Queen”

I swear I have never met
Oh, if sparks, baby fire, baby fire
Model gait staring at the boulevard
Spend every penny, this is not a pity. No no
I canceled all affairs and we are going for shopping
I love to watch how you change your appearance
You are more beautiful than Cameron Diaz
I'm masked, I'm howling
I'm bewitched by your beauty
Queen of my nights
Stylish east dancing to the beat
Inside me kindling lights
And in the whole world we seem to be alone
You are in the style of the east, I can not keep my eyes off you
Million Dollar Baby Hypnotize Me
You're the best facet like a diamond that I always looked for
And you are only mine
tu ru ru ru ru
With you pulls me to run straight to the seas
Take lam and other shores with you
I am seriously nostroen, do not think that this is a hoax
If you will also light at night
Queen of my nights
Stylish east dancing to the beat
Inside me kindling lights
And in the whole world we seem to be alone
One and only one
u woo
Queen of my nights
Stylish east dancing to the beat
Inside me kindling lights
And in the whole world we seem to be alone

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