Manvel Pashayan released the long-awaited video for the song "Mi lacir jan"

NewsManvel Pashayan released the long-awaited video for the song "Mi lacir jan"

Concert videos

Video "Mi lacir jan" Manvel Pashayan was released on YouTube

To touch the hearts of listeners, to impress to the depths of the soul and to cause tears of sympathy - the well-known Caucasian performer knows how to do it perfectly through his music videos. Manvel Pashayan. Video views on the songs “Roses, Roses” and “Tearing the Soul” are actively growing every day, and meanwhile, the audience, accustomed to the romantic stories told in the artist's compositions, got another novelty - the artist released a video for the track “Mi lacir jan” .

Shot from video clip “Mi lacir jan” by Manvel Pashayan
Shot from video clip “Mi lacir jan” by Manvel Pashayan

As Manvel promised, the emotions from the song and video are off the charts! The story of the life of a young guy, who, by the will of an accident, was deprived of love, prospects and freedom is played out in front of the audience. But the love of his mother helped him withstand all these tests, who did not stop believing and waiting for her son ...

Shot from video clip “Mi lacir jan” by Manvel Pashayan
Shot from video clip “Mi lacir jan” by Manvel Pashayan

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